Frequently Asked Questions

  • Tuition classes are highly flexible and can be scheduled any day of the week, depending on both the tutor's and student's availability. Classes are pre-scheduled to ensure it fits into both parties' calendars. Whether you prefer weekday evenings or weekend mornings, we aim to accommodate your schedule to provide a consistent and effective learning experience.

  • Absolutely, our tutors are more than happy to assist you with your school work. The goal is not just to help you understand the subject matter, but also to equip you with the skills you need to succeed academically. Your success is our priority, and we're committed to providing a well-rounded tutoring experience.

  • Whilst the experience varies from student to student, many say that they find online lessons more engaging given the range of resources at their disposal. The COVID-19 pandemic has also made students more familiar with online learning, which aids in keeping attention levels high.

    Online classes do require a certain level of self-discipline and focus. Our tutors use interactive teaching methods to engage students and keep the sessions as effective as possible. With the editing privileges of online whiteboards, the tutor can ensure students are paying attention to the right areas at the right time. Participation is encouraged from the tutors by asking questions at different points during the class and implementing various mini tasks.

  • Tutorbility caters to a variety of exam boards to ensure we meet the needs of our diverse student base. Whether you're preparing for AQA, OCR, Edexcel, or WJEC, our tutors are well-versed in the specific syllabi and exam formats of each board. Many exam boards have overlapping subject content, so this will not hinder our tutors' ability to provide a high level of teaching.

    All of the learning resources provided by Tutorbility are mapped to the UK curriculum for Key stage 3 through to Key stage 5. (National Curriculum for England, Curriculum for Wales and Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland)

  • Payment can be conveniently made through our secure invoice system. You can either pay online using Stripe, make a bank transfer, or set up Auto Pay for hassle-free transactions. All methods are secure and designed to keep your information safe.

    Invoices are issued at the beginning of your selected billing cycle, whether that's fortnightly or monthly, to align with your chosen payment option.

  • Our tutors are all university students who attend Cambridge, Oxford or other top Russell Group institutions. They are required to undergo extensive training to ensure they meet the high standards set by Tutorbility This includes in-depth instruction on lesson plan structures, clarity and precision in content delivery, and general presentation proficiency. All of these measures are in place to guarantee that our students are being taught by individuals who are not just academically gifted but those who are exceptionally skilled in educating others to a high standard.

    We also continually train and develop our tutors with the most effective teaching methods that arise from our research and development.

  • Parents and/or guardians will receive monthly academic progress reports to keep them informed and engaged in their child's educational journey. These reports provide valuable insights into the student's performance, areas for improvement, and milestones achieved, ensuring transparent communication between Tutorbility and families.

    In addition to these regular updates, we are always available to schedule meetings at the parents' request to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

  • At Tutorbility, what sets us apart is our genuinely relatable approach to tutoring, delivered by top-performing university students from world-leading institutions. Our tutors are not just academic achievers; they're role models who have recently aced their own GCSE and A-Level exams, earning top grades including A*s. They bring this first-hand experience into each session, allowing them to understand the academic pressures and challenges today's students face.

    Rather than just rushing through lesson plans, our tutors focus on delivering clear and engaging instruction. They use a mixture of their own successful study techniques and our proven exam strategies to guide students, ensuring not only a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also its practical application in exam settings. This unique blend of academic rigour and empathetic, relatable tutoring creates a powerful learning environment where students don't just meet their goals—they exceed them.

  • If you're unable to attend a scheduled class, we require a 24-hour notice for cancellation. Should you provide timely notice, we will do our best to reschedule the class to a more convenient time. However, please note that our tutors are also committed to other students and their own academic responsibilities, so rescheduling will be subject to their availability. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide refunds for lessons not attended by the student.

  • No, you don't need to purchase anything special for the lessons. To join Tutorbility lessons, all you’ll need is the following:

    1) A good internet connection.

    2) A free email account for Google Meet.

    3) A laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone. Most people will find that the speakers and microphone on their device are sufficient. However, occasionally students choose to use a headset or headphones with a microphone in order to enhance the sound quality.

    Our tutors will provide any necessary study materials, which will be available to view and download through our online platform. However, you may find it helpful to have a notebook and pen for taking notes during sessions.

  • For a complete understanding of our service policies, we highly recommend reviewing our Terms and Conditions available on our website. These outline our obligations to you and yours to us, ensuring a smooth and effective tutoring experience for all parties involved.

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