Last Updated: 29th June 2023

Tutorbility’s Online Safety Policy

The policy will be reviewed at least annually. It will also be revised following any concerns and/or updates to national and local guidance or procedure.


As the provisions of Tutorbility are delivered wholly online, the following considerations should are taken into account: 

  • We need to be mindful of the ICT that young people can access from their homes, considering different internet speeds and hardware access. Being mindful of those with limited access, our online provision is designed to be accessible to the majority of students. 

  • The minimum technology required will be an internet connection and a camera (accessed through a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC). We have ensured our tutors have access to the relevant technology.

  • We are in regular contact with parents and carers. These communications are used to reinforce the importance of children being safe online. It is especially important for parents and carers to be aware of what their children are being asked to do online.

Online delivery - Google Meet

  • Tutors providing online tutoring and consultancy with Tutorbility are required to use Google Meet, which allows tutors and students to see and hear each other in High Definition, interact via Jamboard whiteboard technology, and do so safely.

  • To fulfil our legal safeguarding obligation and legitimate interest to safeguard students and tutors, we record all online lessons. We also record lessons to assess the quality of the teaching and learning. It is a legitimate interest of ours to ensure that all lessons meet our high standards.  Please note that you have the right to object to video recordings of the lesson. If you would like to object, please put your concerns in writing and send them to 

  • Recordings are encrypted in transit and at rest, stored securely and are only accessible for safeguarding purposes by our team.

Safeguarding Checklist for Tutors - General

  • If using screen sharing, please ensure nothing else is shown on your computer that is personal.

  • Ask anyone else in your house to be mindful that you are holding a session and to keep noise levels down.

  • No contact should be made directly with the student via any form of social media account. 

  • No contact should be made directly with the student via their mobile, email or by any other method. All contact should be via the parent or carer’s email address and phone number. Contact should relate only to accessing session links and class-related information. Any further requests from parents should be shared with Tutorbility.

  • If a parent/carer requests that the tutor contact the tutor directly, Tutorbility needs written consent from the parent, and the tutor must ‘cc’ the parent/carer and Tutorbility in all email communications.

  • If a student attempts to contact you directly, outside of the agreed tutoring timetable, uses inappropriate language or sends inappropriate images, report this as a safeguarding concern without hesitation and relinquish all contact immediately. 

Useful Links for Tutors

National Links and Resources for Parents/Carers